Tuesday, 24 February 2015

10 Happy Things in February

tulips fresh flowers blogger spring fashion
1. Fresh Flowers
Tis the season for beautiful colourful flowers everywhere, and they're creeping into my home! My Mum loves flowers, so thankfully I'm not alone in my mission to have at least one bunch on the go at home, but right now we're loving lilies, hyacinths, tulips and daffodils. Springtime never looked so good.

2. Moving more
Yep, I actually joined the damn gym. And am eating healthily. I figured I'd get settled in my job (read - eat cake, all the cake) before trying to get back into the rhythm of eating better and moving my butt more. I can honestly say I am absolutely loving it. I don't regret the lazy months for a second, but feeling the muscles in my legs strengthen and not feeling wobbly after a 3k run feels so good. Keeping it up for sure!

3. Decluttering
I am selling not enough quite a bit of stuff on eBay, and I've edited my wardrobe down at least five times. Still have no idea what I actually want to wear in the mornings, but the situation isn't quite as Code Red as it was before...

4. Fashion Week
It's been so inspiring to watch new trends popping up and the instagram frenzy around NYFW and LFW, I can't wait to see same from Paris and Milan! My favourite thing about Fashion Week is the Street Style; the blogging and wider fashion community are an inspiring bunch, and the creativity and expression of style never ceases to impress me. I loved fringing this year (tricky to master, but these stylish ladies pulled it off with aplomb) and mixing silhouettes, textures and details...
fashion week fringe street style vogue
All images, Vogue
vogue street style silhouette texture
5. Planning new trips away
March, Barcelona. April, Paris. May, who knows? I'm planning the works, and hoping upon hope that the boy and I will finally blow a few k on a trip to New York, which we've been dreaming of for ages. Not to mention plans for South East Asia in February. Here's hoping!

6. Feeling happier
I realised the other day that I spent most of my days smiling, and sadly that had been somewhat lacking before. I think it's a combination of being very well fed (thanks Dad), having no ironing to do (thanks Mum), loving my job and exercise. Despite the bad bits of moving - missing my boyfriend like my right arm, missing my friends like my left) - it truly was the best decision I've made in a while.
pancakes shrove tuesday blog

7. Making new friends and connecting with old ones
I spent Shrove Tuesday flipping pancakes with my old school friend Joanna and new colleague (and more importantly, friend) Andrea, who is as Scottish and sassy as they come. It's always lovely to bring people together, and spending time with these two always lifts my week and make me smile!

8. Scheduling meet ups with my best friend
Speaking of friends, leaving Lauren in London was as hard as not living with my boyfriend anymore. We used to see each other every week, sometimes several times a week, and when that suddenly changes to once a month - or less - it sucks. However, we're meeting up in just a couple of weeks and spending the whole day doing best friend blogging duo stuff. Can't wait.
pretty posh oh my gosh

9. Lighter evenings
They're getting there, I swear! Now I'm driving instead of taking the train, I'm really noticing the evenings getting that bit brighter. I can even - on a good weather day - get home without turning my lights on in the car! Ok that's only happened, I don't know, probably twice, but let's focus on the positives people!

10. Tea
Because it's still a bit rainy and cold, and I just need it to get through the day. Put the kettle on?

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© Pretty, Posh, Oh My Gosh! | Life and Style of a UK Blogging DuoMaira Gall