Now, being British (and unashamedly reserved in some ways and freakishly outlandish in others), I have to stand up and say that clear plastic just doesn't do it for me. Sure, it looks hot empty, but what happens when you have a blusher explosion? Where do you put your tampons? As far I'm concerned, you might be better equipped to find your phone, but you're just going to have to buy pretty pouches and cosmetic bags to hide the vast assortment of other crap you carry.
With this rant over, I'm sticking with the clear plastic - but just for umbrellas. If you're in the UK right now, you damn well need one.
The Pretty: Fulton Birdcage Umbrella in 'White & Clear', £15.99
The Posh: Ella Doran Birdcage PVC Umbrella, £22.00
The Oh My Gosh: Lulu Guinness Birdcage Ice Cream Umbrella, £31.99
Which one do you love? I'm a total Lulu Guinness worshipper - check out her other amazing umbrellas (love the red lip print!) here.
I'm torn I love all 3 the Ella doran one is cute makes me think of spring