Sunday, 23 August 2015

The Weekend Edit | August Top 10

August is speeeeeeeding by y'all! We're rolling into the end of the month with our favourite blog posts and vlogs we've been enjoying in the past few weeks... Lauren's picks in pink, Flic's in blue!
1. FASHION | 50 ways to break out of a style rut and feel inspired again - thorough, and definitely a Sunday read with a cup of tea, but some great ideas. INTO MIND is a great blog for some lifestyle overhaul, too.

2. HOME | My Customised IKEA Alex - I had a go at this DIY and failed! Haha. I'll try again with more space (not in my little London flat) and a new IKEA Alex. I love how simple Fleur makes DIYing look, along with the fact that she isn't afraid to ask her husband for help!

3. STYLE | Field Notes - A Clothes Horse is a new blog for me, but it's fast turning into a must read. I love the beautiful photography and unusual aesthetic, it's good to see something a little different in the blog world right about now!

4. FOOD | Pumpkin Sage and Crispy Bacon Soup - I'm a bit of a sucker for soup and when Rosie posted this late last year, I quickly gathered the few ingredients to make it. If you are looking for easy and yummy eats, I highly recommend her selection - all accessible and realistic!

5. BEAUTY | Urban Decay Naked Smoky Eyeshadow Palette - ok, so Lauren is absolutely the beauty goddess on this blog, but even I love the Naked palettes and got excited hearing about the new smoky one. Miss Makeup Magpie has reviewed and swatched, and now I need it. Gemma!! You're spending my money!!

6. LIFE | 10 Things That Have Made Me Happy This Week - A regular fixture on Cider With Rosie, reading the 10 Things That Have Made Me Happy slot has definitely made me slow down a little and appreciate the amazing things that make me happy too. It's fair to say that life as a PR and Blogger can be insanely hectic, hugely antisocial and make me all-round a little grumps from time to time. Taking a step back to appreciate happy things has definitely helped me- thanks for the inspo Rosie!

7. TRAVEL | How to Pack for a Holiday - Geneva always gets it right for easy, minimalist styling with personality, and she just makes it look so effortless. I've been a fan for years, and love her approach to travelling. She is also a DIY queen. Go see!

8. WEDDING | Briar Rose - Not that I am engaged or married, but Briar Rose's wedding coverage made me oo and ah like a nutter. Beautiful, simple and handmade with amazing vintage and personal touches. You'll lose hours looking at her posts!

9. BLOGGING TIPS | How to Turn Your Blog into a Brand - You've seen Steph feature here before, and it's because she absolutely knows her stuff. I really recommend reading her posts on blog tips (and just having a peruse round her own lovely blog), for easy-to-understand, personable reading.

10. DIY | DIY Butterfly Phone Case - We love anything Love Maegan, it is fair to say that she is our favourite blogging sister from across the Atlantic. Based at Lake Arrowhead, her blog is full of lifestyle, DIY's and fashion along with her ADORABLE french bulldogs. This DIY phonecase showcases how talented she truly is. Go Maegan!

Anyone got any dazzling posts they've seen this month? Let us know in the comments below :)
Felicity & Lauren

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