Friday, 5 August 2016

Lauren's Birthday Wishlist

Hooray! It's my birthday month! In the absence of a summer holiday this year (some serious saving crackdown going on this way!), I'm looking forward to the year that I head into my later twenties (eek!)...
A bit like Felicity, I'm looking for nice bits for the home or to help me with wedding planning/travel plans! There is also a pink and blue theme going on this year for me!
Here's to wishing on my last birthday as Miss Beeslee...

I've been lusting after one of these Travel Wallets from Aspinal for a while now, and whilst it is on my wish list, I'm keen to pick up one next birthday rather than this birthday, as I'd love to have one with my initials on,and these will change within the year (plus I'm not going away until after I'm married either)! My sister has one, and it is just perfect for all tickets, currency, cards and documents to have in one place- I usually carry a super un-glam plastic wallet. This Aquamarine colour is just stunning, perfect for holiday vibes!

Secondly on wedding vibes, this cheerful tee from Kate Spade, which I'd love to team with a denim mini skirt or cropped jeans and little pumps- perfect for summer casual. I also adore the quality of Kate Spade clothing- a skirt I bought from there last year and have worn to death is still going strong. 
Clockwise from top: Makeup Brushes | Curling Tongs | Pyjamas | Chair | Candle
    A couple of items for my beauty box which I've been lusting for- firstly a set of decent makeup brushes. I keep my brushes pretty well, however, some I've had for waaay too long, and they are starting to look a little ropey. These Zoeva ones are constantly on the receiving end of rave reviews, and I'd love for this complete range of brushes to become part of my permanent collection. Secondly, the gorgeous ghd Classic Curling tong is my ultimate wish for this birthday. I'm really struggling with the 'meh' length of my hair at present and have found that curling it gives it the oomph it needs to look a little more presentable. Again, these tongs seem to have incredible reviews, so I'd love to add them to my styling collection!

    Finally, relaxation items to help me kick back and take some time for myself- which I'm 100% guilty of not doing at times!

    This Rhubarb and Rose scented candle from Molton Brown caught my nose when I was gift hunting for someone else, and it's fair to say that I've become slightly obsessed with the scent ever since. The glass jar will also make the perfect addition to my dressing table once empty! I'd light this and chill with a book in my PJ's, preferably this lace and jersey set from M&S. Gorgeous ad comfy, whilst still pretty, they tick all of the boxes for me. I can't fault M&S pyjamas!

    Finally, a big wish for the home we hope to buy, this beautiful chair from Next. Whilst furnishing our home will certainly be on a necessity first basis (i.e. bed, sofa, dining table before fancy corner chairs...), this chair really caught my eye for the lush fabric and beautiful style.

    All very pink and blue this birthday for me! Here is to hoping that one or two of my wishes comes true!

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