Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Happy Bloggiversary to Us!

We're two today, hooray! We thought we'd take this opportunity to tell you a bit about us and nicked this perfectly good 20 questions from one of our favourite blogs, Love Maegan. Enjoy, and tweet us happy bloggiversary when you get a chance!

1. What brings you the greatest joy?

F: Free time, family, travelling, feeling fulfilled.
L: Learning something new, and being proud of something either I or someone I love has done.

2. What are your vices?

F: Magazines, candles, dark chocolate.
L: Sugar. I am addicted to biscuits and chocolate.

3. What is on your nightstand?

F: Jewelry, a cup of Earl Grey and a good book.
L: A Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith, my Tiffany necklace and a photo of me and my boyfriend. 

4. Do you have a secret talent?

F: I can make good owl sounds...
L: Hm, I'm quite good at cleaning but I try to not let my mum know that!

5. What is your greatest indulgence?

F: Fresh flowers, getting my hair done.
L: Handbags and shoes 100%. If I find something I like, I usually lust until I buy it!

6. What should every woman try at least once in her life?

F: Living alone.
L: A whole day without looking in a mirror.

7. What makes you laugh?

F: Wine soaked evenings with friends.
L: My youngest brother always raises a smile!

8. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? 

F: I'm a twin.
L: For a really long time I seriously wanted to be a doctor. And now I work in PR. That's quite a change...

9. What is on your bucket list?

F: A round the world ticket.
L: A trip to Hawaii and living in Amsterdam for a year.

10. What is on your feet right now? 

F: Angora socks - gorgeous!
L: Clarks Kendra ankle boots.

11. How did you make your first dollar?

F: A paper round!
L: Babysitting.

12. What superstition do you believe in?

F: Pulling a wishbone.
L: I never walk under ladders.

13. What items in your closet do you wear the most?

F: A pair of super soft jeans and black leather ankle boots.
L: All things which my Mum has bought me actually, she has great taste! Topshop leather jacket, Clarks Kendra boots and Marc Jacobs black grab bag.

14. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?

F: My iPad mini.
L: My Tiffany Heart necklace is my absolute favourite piece.

15. What is on your liquor shelf?

F: Gin.
L: I don't actually have one but it would be some lovely champagne.

16. What is on your kitchen counter?

F: A herb garden and a mug tree.
L: I don't have one again but it would definitely be a stack of Mary Berry cookbooks and a toastie machine.

17. What would you never leave home without?

F: Phone, purse, keys and lipstick.
L: My phone and Filofax.

18. What movie has the greatest ending?

F: Pass! I prefer books.
L: I am very much into movies and so this was the hardest question to answer. I've narrowed it down to two. One is The Prestige, and the other is the first SAW film.

19. Who is on the guest list for your ideal dinner party? 

F: Table for two - J K Rowling. So many questions!

L: Audrey Hepburn, Leonardo Di Caprio, Frank Sinatra, Mary Berry, James Hunt, Marc Jacobs and Alice Temperley.

20. What is one thing you wish you had known when you were younger?

F: That you can't plan anything - life just hits you and you have to trust it'll take you where you need to be. Whatever's meant for you won't pass you by!

L: Not to worry so much about friends and what people were saying. Post-uni really tests friendships and I have spent so many hours crying over people who upset me at school and Uni who I never even speak to anymore.
Felicity and Lauren

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