Friday 3 July 2015

Lola Rose Friendship Bracelets (and facts about us!)

After a really tough year for us both, our friendship really has got stronger and being in different parts of the country hasn’t damaged us (or the blog) at all! In fact, it’s made our blog up in quality, and means that the times that we do meet are super productive and special.
One of the funniest things which we always laugh about is that we often pick out the same things at press days, or choose the same item to style up. This happened on our recent Cath Kidston shoot, where we were lucky that the dress came in two styles of the same print!

We also fell in love with these gorgeous Lola Rose friendship bracelets, opting for the Marylebone style which is the latest addition to their range of stunning and delicate friendship bracelets.
In a selection of new and classic semi-precious stones along with gold tone brass beads and an adjustable tie, these would be a fabulous gift for a special friend, and come in an array of colours so there is something for everyone! We found it fun to look up the meaning of the stones after choosing, so we didn't just pick whatever held a certain meaning...

Malachite (green): Removes negative emotions, associated with creativity and enforces positive transformation.

Lapis Lazuli (blue): Heightens the mind and brings clarity, releases stress, associated with deep inner peace.

We styled the bracelets with our new blue and green dresses from Cath Kidston, which worked perfectly and matched our bracelets- and each other!
Lola Rose Marylebone Bracelet in Lapis Lazuri  (blue) and Lola Rose Marylebone Bracelet in Malachite (green) c/o Lola Rose, both £35

Because we are nosy parkers and love reading things like this, we decided to put together a post where we would reveal 15 random things about ourselves, and 5 random things about each other. We hope you enjoy!

Lauren on herself... 

  1. I grew up in the same village where my parents did and went to the same primary school as them- we even had the same teachers!
  2. I work in consumer PR for brands including Ferrero Rocher, Colgate, Treasury Wines and Grana Padano.
  3. I am obsessed with Audrey Hepburn’s life and style, I have 8 prints of her in my flat...
  4. My first car was a beautiful little Ford KA called Orlando and I cried when I had to sell him when I moved to London!
  5. I’m quite high maintenance and love the idea of Glastonbury but couldn’t deal with the reality… 
  6. I can’t remember either of the times that I was a bridesmaid because I was under the age of 7 at the time. 
  7. I can’t eat dairy or citrus fruits, but I love cheese and lemonade…. 
  8. I love sparkle and bling. I can’t help it but I am drawn to glittery anything. 
  9. I once ate 6 Krispy Kremes in one day. 
  10. I went to grammar school and was going to do drama at university... 
  11. I fall in and out of love with baked beans, sometimes craving them beyond belief and other times being utterly repulsed by them. 
  12. I met my boyfriend 7 years ago on the first day at university and he was 2 doors down from me in halls, we’ve been together ever since.
  13. I love jacket potatoes and ketchup (not together).
  14. I am the oldest of 4 children, girl-boy-girl-boy. 
  15. I was going to be called Coral until a couple of weeks before I was born...!

Lauren on Felicity

  1. Felicity doesn't butter the bread for her bacon sandwiches, which I think is weird.
  2. She never ever mixes her metals where jewellery is concerned.
  3. And she hasn't seen Pitch Perfect ...just don't...
  4. The only Audrey Hepburn films she'd seen before we went to Rome was My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany's.
  5. At university, she loved hair bows :)

Felicity on herself

  1. All my friends and family call me Flic (not Felicity), including Lauren. I'm not sure how I managed to go with Felicity on the blog, as I'm Flic at work too... Kinda feel it's too late to change it.
  2. I'm a twin, my brother's name is Josh and it's just us two!
  3. I am obsessed with Italian culture, language and food. I keep trying to learn Italian, but I'm rubbish at sticking at anything...
  4. I've been with my boyfriend around 5 and half years and he's Greek Cypriot. His surname is Mikellides... So a lot of my friends think it's funny to call me Flickellides. :/
  5. My style changes all the time, and I change my wardrobe round accordingly. I don't get attached to many things (unless they were given to me and have sentimental value), so I tend to eBay stuff regularly... I'm not sure I've found my signature style, or if I'll ever have one.
  6. Ditto perfume, although I dip in and out of Kenzo Amour for summer.
  7. Wanderlust is a massive problem for me. I'm always thinking about where to go next...
  8. Which leads me to my current top 5 wishlist - New York, Cinque Terre, Fiji, Kenya, Paris.
  9. Although I'd never want to live anywhere but England (at least not long term). I love the seasons, our silly quaint ways, obsession with the weather, and yes, the rain.
  10. My favourite comfort food is two slices of toast with butter and a cup of tea. 
  11. I am absolutely comfortable with my own company (especially if it involves a good book). 
  12. Chameleon ways strike again... my iTunes playlist goes from musicals to some pretty dirty hip hop to acoustic to rock to classical. Current favourites? Right now, it's The Staves, Kings of Leon, Paolo Nutini, Jhené Aiko, silly 60s stuff (think The Boat That Rocked soundtrack). 
  13. Which reminds me - I can sing. Not too shabbily. I'm not Adele or Beyoncé, let's not get silly.
  14. As much as I love blogs and magazines for style inspiration, nothing quite does it for me like seeing someone on the street and thinking "Man oh man you look good!"
  15. I have Jewish, French, East End London and Norfolk blood in me. A bit of a European mongrel, if you go back far enough.

Felicity on Lauren

  1. Lauren is a natural redhead, so I kind've wish her name was Coral.
  2. She's easily the most organised out of the two of us...
  3. ...but has so much stuff, and carries so much around with her! She can't pack for a weekend without taking at least two suitcases. It is a nightmare.
  4. Her favourite brands are Ted Baker, Kate Spade and Michael Kors.
  5. I think we're such good friends because we both hold the same values, and the blog is just the cherry on top. She's the sister I never had.

If you want to tag a friend and do the 15 Friend Facts challenge, do tag us or tweet us, we would love to see! @PrettyPoshOMG

Felicity & Lauren

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© Pretty, Posh, Oh My Gosh! | Life and Style of a UK Blogging DuoMaira Gall